This repository is still under construction (as you can probably tell). Someday soon this page will have details about the founders of this resource, as well as a data submission form. Until then, please contact the site administrators for additional information about protocols, experimental design, and website feedback:
Github repository
This site was written by Gaelen Guzman and was built using Quarto. Find out more about Quarto here.
This site can be pulled from GitHub at: https://github.com/gaelenDG/LipidInteractomics_Website
Site structure
├── 404.html
├── Background
│ ├── BackgroundFigures
│ │ └── BaselineProteomics_ExperimentalDesign.png │ ├── BaselineProteomics_ExperimentalDesign.png
│ ├── DataAnalysisAndStatistics.html
│ ├── MultifunctionalLipidProbesOverview.html
│ └── ProteomicsUsingMultifunctionalProbes.html
├── ContactUs
│ ├── DataSubmission.html
│ └── about.html
├── IndividualStudies
│ ├── AT_2025.html
│ ├── DH_2017.html
│ ├── RM_2021.html
│ ├── SF_2024.html
│ ├── SF_2024_B.html
│ └── StudyOverview.html
├── LipidProbe
│ ├── 1-10_FattyAcid.html
│ ├── 8-3_FattyAcid.html
│ ├── Diacylglycerol.html
│ ├── EnrichedHitsComparison.html
│ ├── FormattingTemplate.html
│ ├── PhosphatidicAcid.html
│ ├── Phosphatidylethanolamine.html
│ ├── PhosphatidylinositolBisphosphate.html
│ ├── PhosphatidylinositolTrisphosphate.html
│ ├── Sphinganine.html
│ ├── Sphingosine.html
│ └── Structures
│ ├── 1-10_FattyAcid_Structure.png
│ ├── 8-3_FattyAcid_Structure.png
│ ├── PIP3_Structure.png
│ ├── PhosphatidicAcid_Structure.png
│ ├── PhosphatidylethanolamineStructure.png
│ ├── SphinganineStructure.png
│ └── SphingosineStructure.png
├── MaintenanceInstructions.html
├── Resources
│ └── styles.css
├── index.html